Whatever the eyes have to say, they worth more than
all the words Man can pronounce. The Expression of the look can be crystalline or rude,
undisguised and genuine in its content.
Whoever thinks he or she can deceive others
through well-rehearsed, polished, well-placed, well applied words is mistaken, whether these words are gentle or overwhelmingly sharp. The words are
misleading, but the look never is. The eyes show the deepest state of the soul.
Let us focus on the sweet, candid look, on the
look that expresses all the power of love that inhabits the soul. The human
being is so grandly mysterious in its constitution. Every particle, every cell,
every bubble of oxygen, every organ, every gesture…. the plenitude of God's most
perfect piece of art is not reachable by the physical eye.
What greater gift could Man receive as an
irrefutable proof of great, unconditional, all-forgiving love? PERFECTION. Love
and forgiveness go hand in hand, one doesn´t exist without the other and they can be expressed through the tenderness of a look, even though the visible body may suggest
There´s no place for bitterness when you hear something
you don´t want to, because behind the words there may be a sensitive and loving heart.
One must learn to see deep inside the eyes of the other, but should not stop listening to his/her own eyes, since is where the real message lies.
The expression "the eyes are the mirror of
the soul" is real and insurmountable, yet so easily forgotten. Man has weaknesses
immersed in truths that are built and nurtured by himself. These truths lead to
excessive judgment, charges and violent acts committed in many different forms. Man still doesn´t know himself truly, wasting the
opportunities that are given to him to rediscover himself. Yes, rediscover ... don´t
be surprised! Man is, was and always will be the soul that cyclically comes and
goes and that has seen and lived extensively.
Through this pure, crystalline look directed
not only to the exterior, but especially
to the interior, insistently, peacefully
and patiently you will discover the essence of your "deepest being"
and, in doing so, you will also discover the essence in the look of the other
In the eyes of God, all human beings are equal,
there is no fruitless discrimination. We must take this example of love and
make it the point of light that will guide and transform the beings, from whose
eyes comes the love for oneself and for the others that together inhabit
the terrestrial orb.
Soluções Plus - Commitment to Results
Soluções Plus - Evolutional Therapies
Av. da República, 2503, 3º andar, sala 33, 4430-208 Vila Nova de Gaia
Campo 25 de Abril, 282 1º andar, sala 9, 4750-127 Barcelos
Gabinete Atendimento Médico (empreendimento Mistério dos Sonhos),
Rua Cândido Reis, nº 411, Amarante
Tel.: (+351) 220 144 606 / Tlm.: (+351) 919 879 957
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