"The human being is not fully conditioned and
defined. He defines himself by giving in to the circumstances
or by rising up before them. In other words, human being is essentially endowed with free will. He does not simply exist, but he always decides how his existence will be
like and what he is going to become the next moment." Viktor Frankl
The path we follow every day is not always the one that we have in
mind in likely situations. The twists and turns of life take place more often than we expect. As far as life is concerned, it is not time for humans to have control over it,
however, it is life that subtly controls human being. This is a
preface to be kept in mind, so human being doesn´t waste so much time and
energy trying to fool life and himself. It is not man who owns existence, but existence
that commands man, although he has always the possibility to induce its interferences.
In this line and still in a register about the self-consciousness, it is
intended to be taught that the choices based on man´s free will influence not
what life has to offer him, but what man has to offer life. This means that human
being leads himself as such, and the consequences that come from that aren´t
always the most desirable ones, while life, as a result of the choices,
postures and actions made by man, will act accordingly.
Therefore, it is not wise to blame life events for the accumulated
misfortunes, because at this point is human being that must take the responsibility
for his own actions in all the existential process.
There are moments that disillusionment, sadness, discouragement take hold
of men and women. The state of feeling they often send themselves to is understandable. However, it is beneficial to be aware that "life" - in the ascent
of the word - is caring and helpful to those who open themselves to it. Life is
not a stepmother, but a Mother. It is good to be grateful for life; it places
man before certain circumstances to strengthen them. Life does not punish, life
loves and welcomes. In the path through experience, where setbacks are found all
over the world and in the human existence in the modern times we live in, men,
women and even children really need to be strengthened so they can prevent
themselves to sink into pain, suffering and despair.
Under such circumstances, life sweetly and gently approaches with an aid
intervention that is still misunderstood by humanity. Nothing is given to man that
he is not able to endure. Life aims to teach the lesson of
"adaptation" to circumstances and challenges that man himself brings
to life. The state of "life" does not forget. It teaches the sense of
responsibility that each person must have for his/her own actions.
Soluções Plus - We Build Health
Soluções Plus - Evolutional Therapies
Av. da República, 2503, 3º andar, sala 33, 4430-208 Vila Nova de Gaia
Campo 25 de Abril, 282 1º andar, sala 9, 4750-127 Barcelos
Gabinete Atendimento Médico (empreendimento Mistério dos Sonhos),
Rua Cândido Reis, nº 411, Amarante
Tel.: (+351) 220 144 606 / Tlm.: (+351) 919 879 957
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