Logocoaching works with individuals to find the meaning of their existence. It is important to realize that we can change direction and purpose, from a harmful attitude to a positive decision. The psychiatrist Dr. Frankl said that in order to face life in a resilient manner one must be aware that life has a meaning under all circumstances and we have the ability to find this meaning inside us. We can rise from the difficulties, illness, addiction, grief, emptiness, and strokes of fate, if we can extract Direction, Satisfaction, Resilience and Engagement (force, effort, dedication and energy) to our existence from our noetic dimension.

The aim of Logocoaching is to provide individuals a step forward, whether their suffering comes from Inconsistencies in their relationships, problems at work, illness or the death of a loved one, by self imposed difficulties or addiction to alcohol and drugs. It is not the Man who gives his life a meaning, but life that gives us a deeper sense of beauty all the time. Through its methods and assumptions, Logocoaching leads to more fluid and enjoyable existential fruitful answers.

At Soluções Plus, we state that all individuals are exceptional, however in the path of life some situations arise that become singular and require a meaning to be completed, availability and an opportunity to act. This can be achieved through the construction of meaning and purpose by which we think, speak and feel, but also through courageous actions to face life events, even the chaotic ones.

Logocoaching states that the meaning of life exists unconditionally and what we must do is to rediscover it. Likewise, we must turn our lives in all directions until we find a greater meaning. This meaning cannot be given by society or parents. The psychiatrist cannot prescribe it as if it was a universal panacea. At Solutions Plus you can find meaningful answers and rewrite your situation, but it is up to you to discover what it is significant to you and Logocoaching will contribute to this finding.

Friday, 3 August 2012

Smile to Life

Smiles, blossom from the walking faces of the human generation that inhabits the planet earth. Smiles of hope, fighter, compassionate smiles, that are determined not to let the alien and silent resident penetrate the carrier of the soul.

The strength of a small smile spontaneously released is so powerful that pulls down the controversy which often destabilizes the human hearts. Among so many things and choices that Man can make, one thing he can do for himself is gradually nurture a smile that cherish the poor in spirit and dismantle the most doubtful ones.

Start smiling with your lips, then smile with both lips and eyes, after that the eyes will smile on their own, and finally that smile will extend itself to the heart and this one will be the starting point for everything great that will come from there.

After this scope, the contagion will involve the one standing by your side that having already been affected by your smile will, in turn, spread it to his neighbor and so a successive route of smiles will be built. By doing this, people are opening doors to each other in the name of Love, until humanity will finally meet just to smile.

This scenario is eagerly expected - but not impossible – by everyone and especially by those ones who lost the ability to open the eyes of the world and uplift them to deeper objectives, seeing beyond the visible through the sense of their hearts.

Smiling is perhaps the biggest contributor to healing results. Through this practice, for which the discipline application must be accurate, but not timed, the problem of mental and emotional health will weaken, which therefore will positively affect the physical health. It will be a slow healing process but with effective results in the medium term.

Always allow yourself to smile…when facing an awkward situation, smile, even to yourself; if someone disappoints or mistreats you, smile; when facing the vicissitudes of existence, smile.
By permanently doing this simple act, which is so powerful and free, the impact of everyday negative interferences become much smaller, except for people who insist in having an attitude of rigidity, inflexibility and that keep nurturing what is not well.

Soluções Plus - Commitment to Results

Soluções Plus - Evolutional Therapies
Av. da República, 2503, 3º andar, sala 33, 4430-208 Vila Nova de Gaia
Campo 25 de Abril, 282 1º andar, sala 9, 4750-127 Barcelos
Gabinete Atendimento Médico (empreendimento Mistério dos Sonhos),
Rua Cândido Reis, nº 411, Amarante

Tel.: (+351) 220 144 606 / Tlm.: (+351) 919 879 957

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