Logocoaching works with individuals to find the meaning of their existence. It is important to realize that we can change direction and purpose, from a harmful attitude to a positive decision. The psychiatrist Dr. Frankl said that in order to face life in a resilient manner one must be aware that life has a meaning under all circumstances and we have the ability to find this meaning inside us. We can rise from the difficulties, illness, addiction, grief, emptiness, and strokes of fate, if we can extract Direction, Satisfaction, Resilience and Engagement (force, effort, dedication and energy) to our existence from our noetic dimension.

The aim of Logocoaching is to provide individuals a step forward, whether their suffering comes from Inconsistencies in their relationships, problems at work, illness or the death of a loved one, by self imposed difficulties or addiction to alcohol and drugs. It is not the Man who gives his life a meaning, but life that gives us a deeper sense of beauty all the time. Through its methods and assumptions, Logocoaching leads to more fluid and enjoyable existential fruitful answers.

At Soluções Plus, we state that all individuals are exceptional, however in the path of life some situations arise that become singular and require a meaning to be completed, availability and an opportunity to act. This can be achieved through the construction of meaning and purpose by which we think, speak and feel, but also through courageous actions to face life events, even the chaotic ones.

Logocoaching states that the meaning of life exists unconditionally and what we must do is to rediscover it. Likewise, we must turn our lives in all directions until we find a greater meaning. This meaning cannot be given by society or parents. The psychiatrist cannot prescribe it as if it was a universal panacea. At Solutions Plus you can find meaningful answers and rewrite your situation, but it is up to you to discover what it is significant to you and Logocoaching will contribute to this finding.

Thursday, 9 August 2012

The Encounter with the Meaning

It is known that globalization has taken possession of time and this is passing too quickly. There is no time for what matters most.

In his path, man needs to ensure his material survival. It is commendable that he does so with due commitment. This is a responsibility that has to be taken considering man´s free will.

However, there are conscious choices, where the sense of purpose is present and dignify the human condition in the content where these choices fall. Also, in the face of the excessive competition which man goes to and lets himself to be dominated by, many of his choices are disproportionately unconscious, without foundation, devoid of content, dignity and no sense. When these inconsistencies show disrespect toward others, violence takes place. Violence of words, personal, mental, moral, attitude and physical violence that leads to a irreversible damage at the spiritual level.

PEACE, what a sweet, beautiful word, so full of meaning, so enlightened and supposedly so unreachable. Why? The firmament is formed by the universe. In this the stars and planets levitate, and among them, the planet Earth. This planet is made up of all living beings: animal, vegetable, mineral, human beings. Of all these beings, God was particularly generous with one - THE HUMAN BEING. Human being owns a multitude of skills at all levels, expressing himself through the senses; he has the gift of intelligence, creativity, construction, invention, possession, all in a rationalized way, unlike other living beings that communicate and move through instincts, irrationally. The human being thinks, but the animal does not.

By holding so high skills, man owns his freedom too, no matter what shape it has. Man uses freedom for his own advantage and convenience and makes his own choices, forgetting, however, that in the space he moves, these choices may interfere with the choices of fellow travelers.

He forgets that "PEACE" is also a choice he can make. When misfortune, discord and war takes place, whether at home, workstation, street, city, nation and ultimately in the world, this sequence is simply the rotation and reflection of what goes on inside each person. In other words, the global peace does not exist if the human being is not at peace, if he does not conquer his own inner peace.

By not being at peace with himself, he sends this state of meaning to people around him; on their turn, if they don´t cultivate inner peace, they will reflect this on others around them, and so on, until the planet is infected by the state of "NON PEACE", which is but a reflection of the internal condition of every human being as an individual. The result is the boomerang effect.

One should realize that the peace world depends on the state of peace of the conscious and rational beings that inhabit it. In turn, this peace depends on the state of inner and individual peace inside each person. After each person have done his/her part, the desired peace – this beautiful and seemingly unattainable word– will be at the reach of humankind.

It's so simple! Why complicate? The state of the world is a reflection of the state of its inhabitants. How many problems would be solved, how much hunger and thirst would be satiated, how many diseases would be cured, how many shelters would be provided, how much joy would be created if man would come down from his pedestal of arrogance and build peace, his inner peace, whose positive effects for the universe would be not accessible to human perception. Everything resonates. Everything!

Building inner peace is the greatest thing that men and women can do for themselves, knowing beforehand that this harmonious task will expand to their "home" - the PLANET EARTH - and everything that it entails. Love is present here. Always in the name of Love.

Soluções Plus - Commitment to Results

Soluções Plus - Evolutional Therapies
Av. da República, 2503, 3º andar, sala 33, 4430-208 Vila Nova de Gaia
Campo 25 de Abril, 282 1º andar, sala 9, 4750-127 Barcelos
Gabinete Atendimento Médico (empreendimento Mistério dos Sonhos),
Rua Cândido Reis, nº 411, Amarante

Tel.: (+351) 220 144 606 / Tlm.: (+351) 919 879 957

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